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aplodontia rufa การใช้

"aplodontia rufa" แปล  
  • Mountain beaver ( " Aplodontia rufa " ) is a large primitive rodent endemic to the Pacific Northwest.
  • Near-endemics, those that occur in the Olympics as well as other parts of a limited range, include the Cope's giant salamander ( " Dicamptodon copei " ), and the Van Dyke's salamander ( " Plethodon vandykei ", ) both found primarily in the Olympics and other mountainous areas of western Washington; the tailed frog ( " Ascaphus truei " ), of Pacific Northwest mountain streams, and the mountain beaver ( " Aplodontia rufa " ) of the coastal Pacific Northwest.
  • Mammals sharing the Transition Zone with the gray-tailed vole include : Roosevelt elk, Columbian black-tailed deer, Columbian white-tailed deer, Washington rabbit, brush rabbit, silver gray squirrel, Douglas's squirrel, Townsend's chipmunk, Douglas's ground squirrel, Oregon flying squirrel, dusky wood rat, ruddy deer mouse, California red-backed mouse, red tree vole, white-footed phenacomys, Townsend's vole, Oregon creeping mouse, mountain beaver ( " Aplodontia rufa " ), jumping mice including " Zapus princeps " and " Zapus trinotatus ", Camas pocket gopher, Mazama pocket gopher, and northwest coast bobcat ( Lynx rufus fasciatus ).